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[01] Situated along Malan Road
[02] 2nd storey of classroom block
[03] 3rd Classroom frm females toilet

? 01 Brenda; Badminton
? 02 ChangNing; Chinese Orchestra
? 03 Eve; SJAB
? 04 Alfreda; Athletics: XCountry
? 05 WeiSin; String Ensemble
? 06 CongWan; Band
? 07 YanHua; Band
? 08 Eunice; NCC
? 09 Jaslynn; Dance
? 10 TseSin; Dance
? 11 DongYing; Band
? 12 XiMeng; Chinese Orchestra
? 13 Dixun; Badminton
? 14 XuanJuin; Dance
? 15 YinJuin; Dance
? 16 QiaoWei; NCC
? 17 SiHui; Athletics: XCountry
? 18 JingYi; NPCC
? 19 GuanLin; Athletics: XCountry
? 20 PeiZheng; Chinese Orchestra
? 21 Melody; Chinese Orchestra

? 22 XiaoYang; Chinese Orchestra
? 23 Julio; Scouts
? 24 Raymeo; NPCC
? 25 Kennard; Chinese Orchestra
? 26 JunJie; NPCC
? 27 Yuheng; SJAB
? 28 Adriel; Computer Club
? 29 QiXin; NCC
? 30 EnYao; Athletics: XCountry
? 31 Jonathan; NPCC
? 32 WeeHan; NCC
? 33 ZhuFeng; NCC

maybe we aren't perfect, but we belong in one class and that's what counts.

? Brenda
? Chang Ning
? Eve
? Alfreda
? Yanhua
? Eunice
? Jaslynn
? DongYing
? Ximeng
? QiaoWei
? PeiZheng
? Melody

Other Classes
? 2attituded
? 2biantai
? 2degreeCelcius
? 2destiny
? 2elmos
? 2gee
? 2H07
? 2aii
? 2jawbreakers
? 2kzers
? 2looneylunatics
Escape Reality PeiZheng and Me more to be uploaded [:

January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
August 2008
September 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Hosts: clickhere
Jukebox: imeem
Fonts: dafont

Jukebox - Our Playlist

Saturday, December 20, 2008

hello people.

get the photos from photobucket.


the password is the short form of fantasticfreaks. guess yourself. most people should know.

have fun with the photos.
any problems tag on my blog or ask me on msn.



Sunday, December 14, 2008

Updated List of People Going:
changning tsesin xuanjuin yinjuin peizheng brenda guanlin raymeo junjie kennard julio weehan xiaoyang adriel qixin yuheng zhufeng eve eunice weisin sihui
21 people

food left unallocated:
- marinating + bringing of chicken wings
- prawns

Attire: Class Tee
Details: 5pm @ Bukit Batok Mrt Station
If reaching later pls contact eve/me


okay. so here are the details again.


19th Nov 2008 Friday
venue: eve's house
meet at 5pm at bukit batok mrt.

attire: erm. i don't know. you all want class tee?

i have already started allocating stuff to bring for different people. and what do you all want to do after the bbq? watch movie?

here's the list of people going:
changning tsesin xuanjuin yinjuin peizheng brenda guanlin raymeo junjie kennard julio weehan xiaoyang adriel qixin yuheng zhufeng and me.

hope i didn't miss anyone out.

talk to me on msn / call me if you are going.

and i need people to volunteer for :
- marinating of chicken wings + bringing it.
- prawns
- charcoal
- butter

you all want to get a birthday cake to celebrate birthdays / icecream?

here's the list of food. please give suggestions.
chicken wings, marshmellows, fishballs, sausages, prawns, corn, sandwiches, chips & drinks.

hope that this will be a successful bbq!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hello people.

we shall have a bbq at my house. its at bukit batok by the way.

can you all make it on the 20th of Dec (sat) to celebrate christmas.
are all of you all are celebrating christmas elsewhere on that date?

or 19th Dec(Friday)?

changning is in new zealand so i think i will have to settle this myself. changning quickily come back.

the current planning is that:
1pm meet at bukitbatok.
then we settle the food and we can watch a movie at my house or sth.
5pm start the fire
and hopefully we can start bbq at 6pm.

the food we distribute between everyone. like one person prepare one item or so. then we can save time on preparing the food.

any other suggestions?



Tuesday, November 04, 2008

i know that this blog is sort of dead and hardly anyone comes here but i would still like to ask.

is there going to be another class outing/gathering/chalet?

the previous one on friday was quite successful. 23/33 people turned up. i am not sure if that is considered the end-of-year class outing or sth. but i just want to ask if there is going to be a chalet.

if you all want chalet, someone will have to volunteer to book and it is quite troublesome and ex.
if you all want just a bbq, then we can either go qiaowei's house (or mine) or any other person with a bbq pit. this saves alot of money also. haha.

if you all dont want a bbq, please give suggestions for where to go:
- escape, wildwildwet (quite boring and ex)
- kbox
- lets go to the zoo!!! or bird park. or night safari. like we used to go in primary school. (just joking).
- movie marathon at someone's house.

singapore is really small with little attractions so please contribute ideas.




Wednesday, September 17, 2008

like, our class blog's completely dead xD
fret not, kennard is here to salvage it! ;o -heroic music-
applause, applesauce. yay :D
whee anw must have class outing/chalet ya xD and hopefully if chalet won't be like last year's one, last day left like 4 or 5 guys o.o veh boring one u know :P
must like the sec 1 one! :D -dramatic flashbacks-
yay. kennard's veh shuai btw :D
-everyone's head goes up&down in a nodding motion-
muahaha. must jiayou for EOYs too yea xD few more weeks only D:
sidenote, raymeokuah! ur lovemeltz thing gives me goosebumps xD

~kennard! :D


Thursday, August 21, 2008

sorry guys it took like really long ><
OMGGG like are we going to have a chalet EOY!

brendaaaa =D


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

below are the details for the year-end class chalet.

2fantasticfreaks 07 year-end class chalet
13th 14th & 15th dec 07
downtown east coasta sands resort
meeting time: 2.30pm at pasir ris mrt station
total cost: $278

please prepare at least $10 per person, should be more than enough.

we're having potluck for dinner on the first night, so contact me if you're able to bring food for the class. we're possibly having steamboat dinner on the second night.

please contact me to notify me if you're coming or not by the end of this week.

thanks for reading,
I LOVE 2F!!! :D hahahahha. everyone try to come k.